“When I saw your work, I was absolutely stunned. I’ve lived in Big Sur all my life and never seen a sky so beautiful as what you captured in your image. You were at the right place at the right time with the right stuff.” – Erin Lee Gafill, 2011, Award Winning Landscape Painter, Big Sur

“Your photographs are world class art in the tradition of Ansel Adams and the Westons.” – Terrence Zito, 2008, Award Winning International Landscape Painter

“I just love your [Twilight Moonset]. Even the greatest, most accomplished painter could not capture what you achieved.” -MT, Carmel Fine Art Expert, 2011
“We’ve seen thousands of Big Sur photos, but you’ve captured it.” – Carmel Foundation photography critic 2007

“David’s photographs aren’t as bad as they look.” –Eeyore (Just Kidding– I made this last one up ;-). Its derived from the ironically witty — “Wagner isn’t as bad as it sounds.” . . . Which is doubly ironic because Wagner’s “Die Valkyrie” is one of my favorite music works.)
Selected Awards:

“EyeLight” won a NewScientist International Photography Contest in London, January 2011

Center for Photographic Art Judges selected “Milky Way, Big Sur” for their 2012 Competition Exhibit.
“Endangered Condor” won a Jurors award from the Arts Council of Monterey County in 2010 and was displayed outside the Supervisor’s Chambers for a year from Fall 2010.

Arts Council Jurors of Monterey County selected two Photographs for 2012 Show: “Dramatic Flight” and “Mt Toro Snowstorm.”

“David Dilworth’s photographs of the coast capture its mood, its magic, and its mystery . . . for many locals, seeing Soberanes Point looming up against the sky is the first sign that we are on the way home. Check out David’s work . . . ” – Nepenthe website-blog, Sept 2012