
Welcome to my Inspiring Landscapes Photography web-log where you can find news related to my Fine art photography.

I try to bring back pro-tographs (no negativity allowed) of the magical majesty of our world’s most beautiful wild scenery, of nature’s own unspeakably magnificent fine art.

I am always grateful, almost never take for granted, that I have been given a gifted life that allows me to see a lot of spectacular natural beauty. I often experience breathtakingly sublime wild places at times when no one else is within miles; particularly twilight, sunrises, sunsets, and animal behaviour. I try to capture those visions and bring them back for you and other appreciators. When fortune is with me, the images closely resemble the heart-stopping beauty I’ve seen.

Many of my images support the definition that “good luck” is when preparation meets opportunity: Meteor Over Point Lobos, Condor Kiss, Mother Nature’s Valentine (Heart), Eye Light, Big Sur Dawn, Welcome My Children, Point Lobos Blue-Green Flash, Big Sur Turbulence, Vivid Vision, and Half Dome Snow Smoke.

I did not plan any of those moments, but thank goodness I was prepared for them. They help make up for the exquisite moments when I didn’t have a camera. Like the spectacular Carmel Sunset in Fall 2008 which was so far beyond 1,000 words . . .

You might appreciate how I am trying to bring you the best fine art color photographs of Big Sur, Yosemite and British Columbia.

To see my galleries of Large Format Plein Air photography of wildlife, landscapes, sunsets, sunrises,water flows, colors . . . and lots more information and links please visit :

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831 / 624-6500 — P.O. Box 100, Carmel, California 93921 —
and FineArt at 1hope dot org

This entire website, all Images, Poetry and Blog,
are (c) Copyright 2006 – 2016 David Dilworth InspiringLandscapes.com

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