Adobe fouls up yet again.
Just as Lightroom was turning into a professional product, Adobe introduces Lightroom 4 (Beta) – and failed / refused to get it running on the most popular version of Windows – XP.

It even runs on the most disdained iteration of Windows – Vista, but not on the most popular version – XP.
Now, I’m not a fan of Windows, but – Adobe — you’ve got to be kidding.
How do they do it ? Adobe gets so many things almost comically wrong I’m wondering if they’re secretly auditioning to become a government agency.
All of the other PC Raw development programs run on XP. (Aperture and DarkTable do not – as they are Mac, not PC, programs)
Better Alternatives: If Adobe just slammed the door in your face, let me urge you to try DXO, Silkypix, Capture One, RawTherapee (which is free), DCraw, DPP, PixInsight, LightZone, Bibble . . . and see some marvelous Raw development capabilities that you might not have realized existed.
As an expert on Operating Systems with a fairly expansive imagination, I am confident there is absolutely nothing that Lightroom can do on Vista – that it can’t do on XP.
That means this is just a lazy choice by Adobe “management.” They decided they don’t want to spend a little effort to support you who spent good money on Lightroom versions 1, 2 and 3 to run on XP.
(Side note: Adobe doesn’t even warn you Lightroom 4 Beta won’t run on XP; at least not on their website. You have to first download the 400 megabyte program (Can you spell “Bloatware?”) and try to install it. Only then do you get a notice that you have to upgrade to Vista. OMG ! Even PC Magazine fails to note, or realize this “feature.”)
I’m relieved that I won’t have to deal with Adobe again. The best part about leaving Adobe is I don’t have to put up with their dysfunctional institutional arrogance.
The Lightroom team avoided this disease for a few years, but it finally caught up with, and infected them.
Your comments on Lightroom and XP are right on.
Adobe is like all other software vendors who become successful, they become arrogant and their products bloated!