Newest Fine Art Images --
(Oct 2012) Moonlit Beach Rock

(Winter 2012) Fire Dance

(April 2012) Ocean Amphitheatre

(Fall 2012) Ghost Tree

(April 2009, Developed 2012) Wildflower Avalanche

(Dec 31 2011, Developed 2012) Molten Gold, Big Sur

(April 2012) Lupine Vista, Big Sur

(April 2012) Rock, Sunset, Orion and Venus Over Fog, Big Sur

(March 2012) Hurricane Canyon, Big Sur

(March 2012) Pine in Ferns, Pebble Beach

(Feb 2012) Lighthouse Sunset, Pacific Grove

(Jan 2012) Red Hot, Pacific Grove

(Oct 2011) Oak Cloud Ablaze, Carmel Valley

(Oct 2011) Condor and Cypress, Big Sur

(Oct 2011) Point Lobos Twilight Moonset, Carmel

(Oct 2011) Radiant Coast

(June 2011) Milky Way - Big Sur

(Oct 2011) Exanimate Cypress Sunset, Pebble Beach

(Oct 2011) Star Streaks, Big Sur

(Oct 2011) Poppies, Carmel Bay

(Aug 2011) Moonset Over Fog

(July 2011) Big Sur Gold

(July 2011) Fog Cloak Sunset, Big Sur

(July 2011) Mistery Mountain, Big Sur

(July 2011) Ocean Under FogSet, Big Sur

(June 2011) Yosemite Falls, Graceful

(June 2011) Granite Flow and Light, Yosemite

(June 2011) Half Dome Icon

(June 2011) Double Moon-Bow, Yosemite Falls

(June 2011) Flow Curve

(May 2011) White Lavender

(May 2011) Serene Zen

(April 2011) Poppy Bay

(May 2011) Zen Streaks

(April 2011) Mt Toro Snowstorm (30-35,000 ft tall cloud)

(April 2011) Mt Toro Snowstorm (detail). Mt Toro (visible nestled
under the tree bough) overlooks Salinas and Monterey. It is about 3,000 feet
high. Compare its height with the Cumulo-Nimbus cloud which just covered it
with snow. (I estimate the cloud is at least 10 times higher than Mt Toro;
making it at least 30,000 feet and likely 35,000 feet high.)

(March 2011) Poppy Trail, Big Sur

(March 2011) Julia Pfeiffer Burns Waterfall, Big Sur

(Mar 5, 2011) Twilight Tree Cliff, Big Sur

(Feb 27, 2011) Snow Cloud V Beam, Big Sur
(Yes, this is a real, however rare, phenomena.)

(Jan 30, 2011) Tom Davies and I had a fabulous Art Opening Party
at Big Sur's Camaldolese Hermitage this Sunday. More than a dozen friends
"braved" the storm and caravanned the scenic excursion down from the Peninsula. Two dear
family friends even drove all the way from Davis to join in AND celebrate
their wedding anniversary by staying at the Hermitage !
and I especially enjoyed meeting some monks.

Our fabulous art curator, BeBe, arranged the show so it looks marvelous
(and I'm delighted so many were mesmerized by my slide shows).
It will be up until May, so pack a picnic and come on down.
The prints on display include:
Big Sur Poppy Scape, Breathtaking Vista, Big Sur Dawn, South Coast Waterfall (shown above), Fog Tsunami;
Rock, Ridge, Sea and Endless Sky; Big Sur Aqua, and Poppy Picnic (shown below).
I'm predicting a spectacular Big Sur Spring filled with flowers.

(Jan 29, 2011) Monterey Pine Icon

(Jan 27, 2011) Coast Weekly listed our opening party as a "Hot Pick" and the Go published this image:

(Jan 21, 2011) Breaker, Rainbow and Pelicans

(Jan 21, 2011) Foam, Rock Morning

(Jan 8, 2011) Come and join us at a quiet Gallery Opening party
at Big Sur's Camaldolese Hermitage Sunday January 30 from 2 to 4 pm.

(Jan 7, 2011) "Eyelight" wins an International Photography Competition by London's NewScientist Magazine (NewScientist has more than three quarters of a million readers.)

(Jan 6, 2011) "Blue-Green Flash" is now linked from a fabulous Green-Flash website by Andrew T. Young (He is also the author of the great article explaining color that we link to from this website's page of helpful articles.)

(Dec 26, 2010) So you can see images at a larger size, I've
enlarged the view of many of them. The online images are the same size
as before, it is just easier for you to view the images
at the maximum allowed (by their online size which have resolution limited
to prevent unauthorized use).
(Dec 3, 2010) Free Public Slide Show at Carmel Foundation Thursday Dec 9th at 1:00 pm

(Dec 2, 2010) Added a Gallery of Pacific Grove images to Places

(Dec 2, 2010) Added a sub-gallery of images collected by Colors: Blue, Green, Aqua, Gold, Bronze, Orange, and Red.

(Nov 12, 2010) "Sunset Reflecting Pool"

(Nov 7, 2010) "Hidden Big Sur Beach"

(Nov 5, 2010) "November Sunrise, Pacific Grove" Looking East over Cove at Stanford's Hopkins Marine Station

(Nov 2, 2010) Milky Way between Big Sur Cliff and Trees

(Oct 30, 2010) "Dramatic Flight" (White Tailed Kite Stopped in Mid-Air), Pebble Beach

(Oct 27, 2010) Jurors of Arts Council of
Monterey County selected "Endangered Condor, Big Sur" for display
outside County Supervisor's Chambers. ("Proving the Universe
does have a sense of Humor" -Robin Salsburg)

(Oct 17, 2010) "Sun in Cypress" is displayed at "Friends of Carmel Forest" Arbor Day Event at Sunset Center

(July 26) The New Camaldoli Hermitage Gallery in Big Sur is now showing five four images: "Vivid Vision", "Mother Nature's Valentine", "Blue-Green-Flash", *"Breathtaking Vista", and Big Sur Turbulence. (We are planning an Opening Party for December.)
(July 17) Yosemite's Nevada Falls snowmelt runoff and Spring Flowers

June 4, 2010 -- Sorry - I've been spending so much time outside finding spectacular visions to bring back for you - I haven't had time to put anything up here for several months. So here's a few glimpses of what's to come - and the Fine art images which can be printed at 4 x 6 feet with fine detail.
May 13 Dramatic Big Sur After-Storm Cloud

May 8 Big Sur Flower Meadow "Soberanes Point Gold Fields"

(May 1) Night Cloud Glow, Big Sur

April 18 Lupine and Owl's Clover meadows in a Big Sur Valley

March 20 Big Sur Wild Flower Garden

Jan 25 Big Sur Snow and Horses grazing

Jan 22 Powerful Sunset over Pt Lobos.

Jan 20 Thunderous Day! I came as close to a lightning bolt as I ever want to (flash and crack at the same instant - right overhead ! - left my "Lightning rod" (tripod) and ran for the car). Then photographed some giant waves crashing onto our continent, a squall line and watched a starfish fly past me 50 feet above the sea !

Jan 19 I'm newly a member of the Big Sur Artists WikiSpaces (
(Dec 19, 2009) Fine Art Gallery Showing: Big Sur's Del Campo Gallery is now displaying my Big Sur color landscape photography among other wonderful fine art paintings, jewelry and sculpture (You have to see the bronze shark).
Nov, 2009 Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP) collected three more Landscape images for their collection including "Soberanes Fog Tsunami,"

Nov 19 Vivid Mushroom in Native Monterey pine forest

(Nov. 10, Tuesday) "Hidden Beauty of Big Sur: A Photographer's Perspective" 7:00 pm, at REI Marina --
"Rocky coastlines, pristine sand beaches, mountains soaring from the sea... Big Sur landscapes are world-renowned for their grandeur. Join award-winning landscape photographer David Dilworth for an inspirational slide show of Big Sur's natural treasures. As David takes you from state and county parks along the coast to points inland in Los Padres National Forest and Ventana Wilderness, he'll show you the exquisite beauty of the region's habitats and wildlife. Come delight in frolicking sea otters, soaring condors, and brown pelicans playing overhead. From the dramatic to the serene, David will present Big Sur at its best."
(April) Big Sur Poppy Scape

(January 1, 2009) Caught a nice Blue and Green Flash at Point Lobos. (Look at the very top of the sun, just above the clouds.)
January 2009 - Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP) obtained a Dilworth photograph for its collection:
Mother Nature's Valentine
for their Collection after seeing it at Big Sur's Soul River Studio Gallery.

Guests at David's Big Sur Art Opening
Saturday October 18 at 6:00 pm -- My First Art Gallery Show !!! - Party to Open at Big Sur's Soul River Studios (next to River Inn and above the Pub). Hors doeurves :-), wine and "intentional" water will be served.
Monterey County Weekly mention of the opening published my photo of " Rock, Ridge, Sea and Endless Sky" --

Herald mention of my First Art Opening (includes my photo "WingSpread" as lead photo at top of article)

Friday October 10, 2008 -- I will give a free narrated Slide Show "Big Sur Sublime Secrets" of some 200 images on Henry Miller Gallery's giant 21 foot by 30 foot outdoor screen - Coffee and Tea and Horse Doeurves - starting at 7:pm.
New "Fresh" Images Page: -- Vivid and Sensual: Poppy Lips, Dramatic Vulture Wings Spread "Water-Lips" and more…
Slide Show for Carmel Valley Women’s Network – Thursday May 3, 2007, 12:30 Carmel Valley Village Church (free)
Sunsets IV, Animals
I made a delightfully successful presentation to the Carmel Foundation
March 26, 2007. Among other compliments, they asked me to publish a book
of my images. One gentleman opined that their group had seen thousands of
photos of Big Sur, but that I "had captured Big Sur as we really know it."
# # # |
Newest Fun and Fascinating Images --
(Aug 2011, Developed 2012) Waterfront Morning, Pacific Grove

(Aug 2012) Whale Tail, Point Lobos

(Aug 2011, Developed 2012) Gingerbread House, Pebble Beach

(June 2012) Ambition

(April 2012) Seal Giving Birth, Pacific Grove

(April 2012) Mom with Pup - 30 Seconds "Old"

(April 2012) Deer Dance, Cypress Point, Pebble Beach

(Jan 2012) Unison - Mom and Pup

(April 2012) Tree and Fog Vista, Big Sur

(June 2012) Farallone Islands, San Francisco

(April 2012) Squirrel Dwarfed by Lunch Flowers

(Jan 2012) Otter Asleep Ashore

(Dec 2011) Bixby Bridge, Big Sur

(Dec 2011) Sea Dragon

(Dec 2011) Jelly, Sinuous

(Oct 2011) Nocturne, Monterey

(Oct 2011) Otter Applause, Pacific Grove

(Sept 2011) Mission, Carmel

(Nov 2011) Magic Mushroom

(June 2011) HorseTail Falls, Yosemite

(Oct 2011) Ferrari Louvers, Carmel

(March 2011) Chipmunk, Big Sur

(Dec 21, 2010) Eclipse, Lunar on Solstice

(Dec 11, 2010) Extraordinary Cloud on Ocean Surface. (Never seen anything like this in decades of cloud watching.
I should write an article about it.)

(Dec 2, 2010) Added Gallery3: Portraits, Abstracts, Rainbows, and moved Patterns here from Gallery I to give space to Colors
(Oct. 23, 2010 Friday) Group show at MIIS. "Artists without Borders" Opening tonight at 6:00 pm in Holland Center. I'm displaying "WaterLips" and "Lupine Vista"
(Sept 22, 2010) Three of my poems were displayed at the London Design Festival in Trafalgar Square by the 8 Laser drawing robots of the Outrace Project (click below to see videos):
1. "We do not fall in love, but we can fall in lust. We only grow in love."
2. Love is proportional to the amount of time we spend with someone.
" This provides the equation (L=Tw2), which means "Love equals Time -- times the Speed of Wonder squared."
3. Good art is burned into your mind, but Great Art Ignites you to Create."
(July 2010) Blue Jay on Luminous Lichen

(June) Squirrel Snacking

(June 7) Swallow returning to Big Sur Nest

Swallow wing and face detail below.
Pause for a moment and consider how difficult it is to capture
a sharp image, an image free of blur from movement,
of a graceful slow flying bird in flight such as a Pelican.
Its rather difficult. You must have a very fast shutter speed
(1/500 or faster), and pan (sweep) the camera to keep the bird in the frame.
But the hardest part might be staying in focus while panning since
the bird rarely cooperates by staying the same distance while you
are shooting. And that's for a slow flying bird like a pelican.
Now consider how much harder it is to capture an image of
a zippy Swallow as it constantly swoops and jinks at high speed.
Not just to get a photo, but to get a sharp detailed
photo of a Swallow in flight? Impossible? Well, nothing resembling easy.
Now you are ready to appreciate the sharp detail of this Swallow's wing feathers during flight:

(May 31, 2010) Rare Sea Otter - Out of the ocean, sharing a rock with Sea Lions at Point Lobos

May 29 Big Sur Hummingbird

May 25 Rare Snowy Plover (protected by our US Endangered Species Act) at Asilomar Beach in morning

(Sept. 24, 09) You can see a slideshow of my newest images at Canterbury Woods in Pacific Grove. 10:30 am.
May - I've added an article on how to Light your fine art photographs.
May - and an article on how to Frame and Mount your fine art photographs.
(April 2010) - One fine Big Sur morning, after spending 3 months photographing wildflowers and green hills on every possible Big Sur hill from Point Lobos to Nacimiento Grade,

as I walked up a friend's hill that was new to me I spotted two condors circling in a morning thermal, about a half mile away, about 1,000 feet above the ocean. Hoping they might come within range of my telephoto lens, I got ready. To my delight they flew nearby and landed about 100 feet away. Imagine my excitement when the leader decided to spread her wings for her young student.
A half hour later she began soaring and flew within 5 ft above my head ! It was like having a hang glider fly directly over me for the moment when I was fully in the dark of her shadow.
THAT was one my life's greatest honors. I was present to saw a see lot of condor behaviour that day: A kiss, yelling, annoyance, an apology, and more.
March 2009 - Photographing a Moonrise over Carmel, I was taking a 30 second photo
of the night sky over Point Lobos when a medium sized meteor streaked by and provided a great show. Like an upside down Roman Candle the meteor showered Carmel Bay with torch white light with sparkles of green, yellow, silver and reds.
Its a very dark exposure, and has a lot of noise, but you can just make out its reflection on the ocean as it passes in front of clouds with Point Lobos in the background. That perfectly illustrates the definition of "luck." - Where preparation meets opportunity.